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An Inconvenient Truth

Conergy, the group company of SunTechnics made its launch in India official on 3rd July by screening the academy award winning documentary film – An Inconvenient Truth. I was lucky enough to be a part of SunTechnics since the entry was by invite only.

An Inconvenient Truth, brilliant but shocking movie. Brilliant, because the level of detailing Al Gore has gone into to put across his views on climatic change more so on Global warming is phenomenal. Shocking, because the facts shown in the movie were quite alarming. From showing the level increase in carbon dioxide to possible extinction of polar bears, to the melting of ice sheets at Greenland or Antarctic and its effect on sea level and coastal area inhabitants, rise in temperature in the last 10 years, growing population etc Al Gore showed it all. And I must admit in a very impressive and articulated manner.

It actually gave me goose bumps thinking of the future. It’s rather sad the objective to curb global warming has yet not become a global objective and still lies with few people like Al Gore who travel from place to place spreading the message.

Al Gore concluded his case in the movie indeed with a very nice story of a frog. A frog when jumps into hot boiling water jumps out immediately. But a frog that jumps in a beaker of cold water put on a boiler sits right there even if the water starts boiling, till the time somebody actually pulls it out.

We are the frog sitting pretty, the world is heating up, and the occurring is quite evident. Rise in temperature, hurricanes, droughts, heavy rains etc have become a part of the everyday news.

Let’s do our bit

-Use energy saving appliances at home / offices
-Replace all bulbs with CFLs
-Consume less of fossil fuel
-Encourage car pools
-Use renewable energy sources
-Invest in a hybrid car if possible
-Walk more
-Ride a bicycle
-Save power by switching off lights, fan etc when not in use
-Unplug appliances when not in use, since they also consume power
-Plant more

These are the small steps that we can take without disrupting much our day to day life. Al Gore talks about taking progressive approach in his movie.

Well, for sure it has to be progressive and collective....it has to be a global revolution. Let each one of us spread message across and work towards a beautiful tomorrow, where our future generation think high of us for taking the right step at the right time.


Pradeep Chakraborty said...

It's a pleasure to inform everyone that the writer of this blog will soon be tying the knot! :)

I've been pushing my friend to keeo blogging... Well, hope to see new blogs, irrespective.

Congratulations on the wedding, pal!