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Changing roles?

Post office is being seen in new light by few of the major corporate. And why not? With subjects on rural penetration and customer convenience prevailing in the boardrooms, people have no choice but to evaluate the existing strong network that can be capitalized on.

Yesterday it was Air Deccan which made ticketing kiosks available at post offices across Karnataka and today its Hutch who has made it convenient for their post paid customers by tying up with around 131 post offices across Tamil Nadu for easy payment of mobile bills. All you got to do is to locate your nearest post office and pay your bill!

Well, with renewed services at post offices and customer care being of prime importance to all corporate, day is not far when the postman will also be responsible for collecting mobile bills and may be even distributing movie tickets? Who knows!

As I end this blog, I am trying to find the right phrase for “dekho daak aaya” post this role change...…any suggestions?