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All for a cause

In today’s times of fast cars, you might write me off as bizarre if I tell you to cycle across the globe. Well, that’s exactly what my friend here is doing. The seemingly quiet and shy Amiram is on a 1 year cycling tour across 12 countries in Africa as an awareness campaign on Global warming, climatic changes etc and inform about the available solutions to combat the same.

Amiram and his team are open to other enthusiasts joining them in this endeavor. All that is needed is that they must share the same passion for saving the environment. Check out their website for more details.

Way to go Amiram!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Priya,

big cheers for the entry in your blog. We are close to Uganda now and had some exctiting wildlife encounters while on the bike.
I know tht Kochin is steamy hot but I would love to get a pic of you riding a bike there :-)