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Earth has got company

With the news flashing about discovery of a planet by few European astronomers, I raced ahead in time and thought of the possible scenario. 20.5 light years from now a life beyond earth?

Going by mythology, earth will be destroyed completely and give birth to a new start / fresh beginning or for that matter going by scientific discoveries that brings forth the repercussions of challenges like global warming, increase in population etc; year 2050 is predicted to be the end of everything living. Should we then look at an alternate locale for living?

The new planet is said to be the closest to what earth is. Well would it be all rose at Gliese 581? Would our future generation reside there? Would they breathe free air or walk around with oxygen masks? Would the Earth pick up everything from scratch and rebuild? Would there be rockets flying in and out carrying travelers between GL 581 and earth? Would there be Mittal equivalent in Gliese thinking of a M&A with a Arcelor equivalent on Earth? Would there be Hollywood part II and Bollywood part II at Gliese? Hmmm….well, I might not be there to witness any of it or should I say I would be…..if we were to believe there is a life after life?