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Travel bug

Being bitten by one, I am finding my blog up to date nearly difficult if not impossible. But the good news is that I am not planning to start a new blog focusing on travelogues....stories and more stories.

It’s an amazing thing - Travel even if you are doing it within the confinement of your arm chair. It makes you see beyond you, your city and your people. Life is about so much more.

Its fun, learning about new place and its culture, its people who are as warm and friendly, only if you open your mind and look beyond them being just as a stranger. You will be amazed to find dis/similarities in the local food and the ones we eat. Travel offers you all of this and so much more.

Till I come back my travel blog details….here’s wishing a happy and a prosperous deepawali!


Exotic Gringo said...

what can i say? i agree! :)

Happy Diwali to u n Q, prand!