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Me, Myself and the Autowalas

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Come what may, my equation with most of the auto drivers just doesn’t seem to get better ever. I changed my base from Delhi to Bangalore and then to Kochi (not because of the autowalas…plz give me a break!), but no change whatsoever in my experiences with them. Is it me, I wonder! Why is it that they would always want to charge extra bucks from me and if I dare refuse, I get those looks of – ‘go and get rich by $$ bucks!’ If not the money then it has to be the route I suggest him to take or the reason I didn’t wave my hand well enough for him to notice and stop his auto or because I am not carrying change or if none of these reasons seems apt, then I am sure with my reputation with the autowalas, they will come up with some or the other reason to hassle me.

If only the just for meter kept in the autos for the sole purpose of display worked, my life would have been much simpler.